How to Deal with a Pain Pill Addiction

Pain pill addiction can be a challenging and overwhelming experience. It can make you feel trapped, helpless, and alone. However, you don’t have to deal with pain pill addiction on your own. Fortunately, there are treatment options available that can help you overcome your addiction and develop healthy coping skills. Whether you are just starting to experience the signs and symptoms of a pain pill addiction or if you have been dealing with it for years, treatment can help you find relief.

Call Tree House Recovery at 910.812.1728 to get started with painkiller addiction treatment in our North Carolina treatment center.

Understanding Pain Pill Addiction

Pain pill addiction develops through the misuse and dependence on prescription drugs. Prescription can be highly addictive, leading to dependence and addiction. Pain pill addiction can develop quickly, causing many individuals to experience challenging side effects, including cravings, increased tolerance, withdrawal symptoms, and neglect of responsibilities.

Some of the most commonly abused pain pills include:

  • Opiates
  • Codeine
  • Vicodin
  • OxyContin
  • Morphine
  • Percocet

Whether you are misusing pain pills from a prescription or buying them illegally, addiction is still possible. Pain pill addiction can lead to serious health problems, social and professional consequences, legal issues, and emotional distress.

Signs and Symptoms of Pain Pill Addiction

Knowing the signs and symptoms of pain pill addiction is essential in helping you or a loved one receive appropriate and timely treatment. Common signs and symptoms of addiction to pain pills include:

  • Taking more pain pills than prescribed
  • Experiencing cravings for pain pills
  • Ignoring responsibilities and neglecting personal hygiene
  • Increasing tolerance to pain pills
  • Obsessing over the next pill or prescription
  • Withdrawal symptoms when cutting back or quitting pain pills

Fortunately, there are treatment options available that can help people overcome their addiction to pain pills. In treatment, clients can expect to receive therapy, counseling, and support from professionals.

How Does Treatment Help?

Treatment can be the key to unlocking a pain pill addiction. Typically, treatment consists of therapy, counseling, and other supportive services. The goal of treatment is to help clients identify and address their triggers for using pain pills, learn about healthy coping skills, and develop tools to resist temptations in the future.

Additionally, treatment provides a safe and supportive environment for clients to heal. Clients in treatment will be surrounded by like-minded peers and professionals who can provide support and encouragement throughout the recovery process.

Developing healthy coping skills is an important part of recovering from pain pill addiction. With healthier coping skills, you can replace unhealthy patterns of using pain pills with positive, more productive activities. Examples of healthy coping skills include:

  • Exercise
  • Meditation
  • Mindfulness
  • Time management
  • Stress management
  • Gratitude
  • Creativity
  • Social support
  • Healthy relationship building
  • Goal-setting

In treatment, it’s essential to have a personalized approach that is tailored to meet your individual needs. Treatment often includes a combination of therapy sessions, counseling, group meetings, and educational workshops. Many reputable clinics focus on providing patients with a comprehensive and customized treatment plan aimed at ensuring a full recovery. Additionally, peer support groups and aftercare programs can offer ongoing support and encouragement in maintaining sobriety.

Call Tree House Recovery Today for Evidence-Based Addiction Treatment

Pain pill addiction doesn’t have to take over your life. At Tree House Recovery, you can get the help and support you need to overcome addiction and develop healthier coping skills for long-term success. Our evidence-based treatment programs are tailored to meet your individual needs and provide a safe and supportive environment for recovery.

Call us today at 910.812.1728 or reach out to our team online to learn more about our addiction treatment programs and how we can help you find lasting recovery.

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