Tree House Recovery NC

Aftercare Program

men and women listening to a patient in an addiction aftercare program in north carolina When you complete an addiction treatment program, you’ve reached a major recovery milestone. However, addiction is a chronic disease. To counter its effects and stay sober, you need additional support when rehab comes to an end. This support is provided in an aftercare program. Programs of this type give you the tools and treatment access you need to keep your recovery going strong. At Tree House Recovery, we specialize in addiction aftercare for North Carolina. We’re committed to helping you stay substance-free after you return to everyday life.

What Is an Aftercare Program for Substance Abuse and Addiction?

People who seek treatment in rehab programs are affected by substance use disorders or SUDs. In some cases, SUDs involve diagnosable symptoms of addiction. In others, they involve diagnosable symptoms of life-disrupting, non-addicted substance abuse. The symptoms of addiction and substance abuse also frequently occur together. 

In rehab, you receive the crucial support you need to establish a durable pattern of sobriety. However, rehab cannot undo the chronic nature of substance use disorders. Over time, you may find it increasingly difficult to avoid the urge to drink or take drugs. That’s possible no matter how determined you are to stay sober. 

This reality helps explain why aftercare programs for substance abuse and addiction are universally recommended. In aftercare, you continue to receive vital sobriety assistance. This assistance can make it much easier to weather the ups and downs of long-term recovery. As a result, it can also make it much easier for you to remain substance-free.

Forms of Rehab Aftercare

Flexibility is key to effective rehab aftercare. That’s true because not everyone needs the same kinds of long-term sobriety support. Depending on your circumstances, your aftercare options may include:

  • In-person check-ins with an addiction specialist
  • Remote check-ins via your phone or video conferencing
  • Smartphone apps designed to promote continued sobriety
  • Re-enrollment in a formal rehab program
  • Membership in a mutual self-help group 

People who re-enroll in treatment for aftercare typically enter less intense programs. For example, after completing inpatient care, you may enroll in outpatient care. However, this is not always the case.

Your aftercare plan may include more than one support option. In addition, your support needs may change over time. A well-designed aftercare program will take such changing needs into account. 

Benefits of an Addiction Aftercare Program in North Carolina

Participation in addiction aftercare can provide multiple advantages for your efforts to stay sober. Specific, common benefits include:

  • Ready access to vital sobriety support in moments of crisis
  • Reinforcement of the coping skills you learned in rehab
  • Lowered odds of relapsing back into drug or alcohol use
  • Increased confidence in your ability to lead a sober lifestyle

Another common benefit is positive social pressure from your recovery peers.

Determining Your Aftercare Needs

Who determines your aftercare needs? As a rule, the decision is made by you and your treatment team. Together, you will examine the various factors affecting your recovery process. This examination is then used to set your initial level of need. 

Turn to Tree House Recovery for an Addiction Aftercare Program in North Carolina

Looking for an addiction aftercare program in North Carolina? Talk to the specialists at Tree House. We feature a holistic treatment model that supports all phases of your recovery. That includes your post-rehab needs in aftercare.

Want to maintain an active lifestyle while meeting your long-term sobriety goals? Tree House Recovery is dedicated to making effective aftercare as convenient and accessible as possible. To learn more about our outpatient and evening options, just call us today at 910-812-1728. You can also reach us through our online message form.